Is there a cost or subscription for Pixr?
Pixr is an ad-supported and absolutely free service to users.
Why does Pixr have ads?
Advertising is how Pixr generates revenue.
Who sees the ads?
Only Pixr users receiving memories see short ads to access them. One ad for every three photos or one ad for everyone one video memory.
Where are the memories stored?
Pixr encrypts and securely stores memories in the cloud until it is shared with everyone detected in them or for a 24 hour window from the time the memory was captured, whichever comes first.
What’s the level of quality for the shared memories?
Pixr ensures that the file quality is the same as the original file. So, if the original photo was taken in 4K, everyone will receive the same quality file. How any one device displays the photo depends on that specific device's specs.